
Rotainer News January 2024 - Big Start For 2024

CRS is pleased to announce that it has taken and order for a 40ft Container Rotator System.

This will be another, innovative, industry first as it will be connected to a high speed STS crane for handling high volume-low value products such as wood chips.

After many months of analysis between CRS, the Port operator and the client, a 40ft Rotainer system was favoured for this particulat project over high volume, wide bodies containers due to Port traffic congestion..

The Rotainer Eurospec MH4240 will be electo/hydraulic and will utilised our newly developed, heavy duty slew ring drive system for 360,  operations.

Manufacturing commenced Jan 24 with F.AT (Factory Approved Testing) to be completed late April 24, the unit will then be disassemble for containerised transport top site.

The unit will also be suitable for reach stacker operations with our highly successful, stand alone diesel engine package.

CRS 2009-2024

15 years of innovative technology for the containerised bulk handling industry 

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